Saturday, December 27, 2008

Wishing all of my family and friends a bright year ahead

Here is to you (to me, too) an incredibly awesome year and many more.


  1. Sunflowers remind me of you. I hope the new year brings many new opportunities for you.

  2. Thank you, Dr.Teng^^
    I got your card.
    It's really lovely^^
    Wish you have a awesome 2009!!^O^

  3. Happy New Year-->Dr. Teng!
    New Year with new wishes for you~

  4. Yeah! Thanks everyone. Good to hear from you all. Stay tuned for my next blog entry. If all goes well, I want to write another one before next year. God willing.

  5. The heliotropic sunflower awakes with the sunrise and follows the arc of the sun throughout the day until it rests with the sunset.

    May we all awake each to day and find the energy to pursue our dreams and stand strong for our beliefs.

    Thank you, Dr. Teng, for helping open hearts and bring world cultures together.

    LNichols from Minneapolis, MN, USA

  6. Dear Dr. Teng :
    Happy New Year!
    Thanks for your card.
    It's very warmly.

  7. Thank you Lonnie for the beautiful comment, and thanks Wendy for coming by. Best wishes to you.
